Changed around line 1
- Hello World my name is
+ Hello World my name is
+ index.html
Gurukiran Patkar - Pharmaceutical Marketing Specialist+
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Gurukiran Patkar
MSc Management Graduate | Ex-Novo Nordisk | Pharmaceutical Marketing Specialist
Transforming pharmaceutical marketing through strategic innovation and proven results
Sales Growth at Novo Nordisk
Medical Colleges Coverage
Professional Journey
Trainee Product Specialist
Novo Nordisk India Private Limited
Led marketing campaigns resulting in 100% growth+
Managed territory meant for 3 people+
Built and maintained 80+ client relationships+
MSc Management
University of Birmingham
Digital Business and Analytics+
Crisis Resilience and Change Management+
Organisational Decision-making+
Bachelor of Pharmacy
Manipal Academy of Higher Education (MAHE)
Let's Connect
Ready to discuss opportunities or collaborate?
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